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Concussion Clinic Saskatoon

Concussion Clinic Saskatoon

Get Back in the Game!

Expert Care Tailored to You

We understand that your health journey is as unique as you are. Our team is dedicated to creating a personalized care plan that aligns with your health goals, ensuring you receive the support and guidance needed to thrive.

Innovative Services & Techniques

Leveraging the latest in health innovation, we provide care that’s not just effective but also efficient. Our approach is designed to adapt to your lifestyle, offering solutions that fit your life and propel you towards better health.

Be Part of a Success Story

With us, you’re more than just a client – you’re part of a community. Be inspired by stories of triumph and resilience as you embark on your own journey to wellness. Together, we celebrate every step forward!

Concussions impact individuals at all stages of life and sport.

Craven SPORT Services is proud to provide expert concussion treatment in Saskatoon – addressing all stages of concussion diagnosis, concussion management, and concussion rehabilitation.

In collaboration with Complete Concussion Management – an educational organization for evidence-based concussion care – we are proud to offer the very best in research-backed concussion treatment and rehabilitation.

What is concussion management?

What exactly do we do when it comes to concussions? Lee Stevens, one of our Partners and Physiotherapists, explains it!

Our concussion management program includes:

Craven SPORT Services is proud to help prevent and treat concussions, before and after an injury occurs. Our concussion management services include:

  • Comprehensive concussion baseline testing
  • Post-injury concussion diagnosis and injury management
  • Concussion rehabilitation for chronic symptoms (post-concussion syndrome)
  • Coach and trainer education and certification programs

What is a concussion?

Ever wonder what happens to your brain when you get a concussion? Lee Stevens, one of our Partners and Physiotherapists, walks us through the process.

What is a concussion?

A concussion is a brain injury caused by a disruption in neurological functioning following a significant impact to the head or elsewhere in the body. This impact causes a biomechanical imbalance within the brain cells, resulting in decreased blood flow and temporary energy deficits within the brain. Studies have shown that any activity, whether mental or physical, in the immediate days following a concussion can delay the process of recovery and should be avoided in the early stages of recovery.

What are the symptoms of a concussion?

Concussion symptoms are varied, but may include:

  • Initial loss of consciousness
  • Headache
  • Pressure in the head or neck
  • Pain
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Balance problems
  • A wide range of additional side-effects

While the above symptoms are considered ‘normal’ side effects of a concussion, the following RED FLAGS should prompt an immediate trip to the Emergency Room: 

  • Seizures or convulsions 
  • Declining level of consciousness or awareness
  • Weakness or numbness in arms or legs 
  • Inability to wake up 
  • Severe or worsening headache
  • Extreme nausea or repeated vomiting 
  • Increasing confusion 
  • Unsteadiness standing or walking 
  • Bruising around eyes or ears
  • Odd behaviour 
  • Slurred speech 
  • Inability to remember the injury or new events

From injury to recovery: what you need to know

You suspect that you, your child, or an athlete you coach has had a concussion… now what? 

A concussion is a serious injury that requires proper attention and care to ensure full recovery. Failure to act appropriately in the event of a concussion can lead to re-injury, complications, and/or long-term damage. 


If you (or your child) has had an acute or recent concussion, contact us as soon as possible following the injury to set up your first appointment. Early assessment and intervention allows your physiotherapist to put a proper plan in place, helping to optimize the time frame for recovery and reduce complications during the recovery process. 

Due to the potential severity of concussions, our administrative team will work hard to ensure an appointment time is made available to you as soon as possible.


Please note: If you experienced a concussion in the past but recovery hasn’t gone as expected, or you’ve been dealing with lingering symptoms, it’s not too late. Concussion injuries can have an effect on different systems in your body, which can be the cause of certain ongoing symptoms. An appointment with a Craven SPORT Services physiotherapist will allow you to build a plan to identify, address, and treat these issues with targeted rehabilitation strategies. If you’re experiencing ongoing or unresolved symptoms from past concussions, physiotherapy may help!


While you wait for your appointment with a Craven SPORT Services physiotherapist, please abide by these guidelines of the Do’s & Don’ts following a concussion: 


    • Rest: Concussion results in a very low energy state in the brain. Avoid strenuous activity for the first 24 to 48 hours
    • Sleep: If there are no ‘Red Flags’ (see above), then get a good night’s sleep. Take naps if needed.
    • Eat right: Proper nutrition can give you energy and play a role in recovery.
    • Follow protocols: Guided return to learn, work, and play protocols can help you make a full recovery. Follow the direction of any healthcare or in-game/on-field medical providers you consulted prior to booking your appointment with Craven SPORT services.


    • Play sports: Do not participate in sport before full recovery and clearance from your healthcare provider or physiotherapist. It is dangerous, and can put you at serious risk.
    • Work or study: Take time off from school or work until you feel better.
    • Drive: Do not drive for at least 24 hours. Resume driving only once you feel better.
    • Take pain medication: Pain medication can ‘mask’ symptoms, and make it difficult to tell how a concussion is effecting you. Talk to your doctor or a Craven SPORT services physiotherapist first. 
    • Drink alcohol or take drugs: These can make you feel worse or ‘mask’ concussion symptoms.


    • In preparation for your appointment with a Craven SPORT Services physiotherapist, please register for the online Complete Concussion Management system before arriving for your appointment. At the time of booking, a CSS administrator will walk you through this process.
    • Please arrive 15 minutes early to complete any necessary paperwork before your appointment begins. 


The following is what you can expect during your appointment with a Craven SPORT Services physiotherapist: 


    • When you attend your assessment, your physiotherapist will first have a discussion with you, which will include a detailed history of: when you sustained your concussion, how it happened, the symptoms you have been experiencing, how your condition has progressed or changed, and how it has been effecting your quality of life.
    • Your physiotherapist will also gather information about your past medical history, including any previous concussions. 


    • During the assessment, screening questions and tests are performed to rule out the presence of any ‘red flags’ that would indicate the possibility of other more serious neurological conditions.


    • Your physiotherapist will educate you about the symptoms and management of your concussion, helping you better understand why you are feeling the way you are, and what you can expect moving forward. 


    • An individualized plan will be developed that will include appropriate guidance and progression through the return to learn, work, and play stages.
    • School and workplace modifications are laid out as needed for success in these areas.
    • Targeted rehabilitation strategies will be developed for any concurrent neck/whiplash injuries, as well as any visual or vestibular dysfunction you are experiencing.
    • Physical exertion clearance tests are performed at various points during recovery to better inform this process.

What is Baseline Testing?

Lee Stevens is here to talk about Baseline Testing! What is it? And why is it so important? Find out now!

Why baseline test?

The biggest concern surrounding concussions comes from the energy deficit that occurs in the brain following an injury. When the brain is in this low energy state, it has been well established that the brain is extremely vulnerable to additional trauma, where even smaller impacts can lead to another concussion. These second concussions can cause severe brain injuries with potentially permanent or fatal outcomes.

The problem is that symptoms (how a client feels post-concussion) rarely coincide with actual brain recovery. The only way to know when the brain has fully recovered and is out of this “vulnerable period” is to compare current brain function to when the individual was healthy; this is what is known as a “baseline test”.

What is involved in baseline testing?

A baseline test is a series of tests that measure every area of brain function that could potentially become affected following a concussion. The reason that the test is termed a “baseline” is because it is done before the individual becomes injured. In order to know when a client has fully recovered, our physiotherapists first have to know where they were when they were healthy. Without having this information, there is no way to truly know when an athlete has fully recovered and is safe to return to their sport.

Baseline testing involves a wide-variety of tests, that can include:

  • Balance testing
  • Reaction time
  • Coordination
  • Stability
  • Physical exertion
  • & more!

Concussion Tracker Smart-Phone Application

Athletes and concussed patients can now log in to view their baseline test results as well as receive rehabilitation exercises, diet plans, and other recovery tips to help them along the way. The app also allows the injured patient (or their parents) to have around-the-clock communication with the treating clinician as well as to provide an update on their symptoms and progress every single day…all from your phone!

To learn more about Complete Concussion Management, click here.

For more information about the Craven SPORT Services concussion management program, contact us at 306 934 2011!

Meet Saskatoon's Premier Physiotherapy Team

Bruce Craven is an expert physiotherapist at Craven SPORT services in Saskatoon. He works closely with high performance athletes and oversees the mentorship of physiotherapists across the CSS team.

Bruce Craven

Bruce is an internationally recognized Sport Physiotherapist and Strength and Conditioning Coach, with over 31 years of experience working with athletes in over 40 different

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Michelle-Keene-Craven-SPORT-services-768x768 (1)

Michelle Keene

Michelle graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 2014 with a Masters in Physical Therapy. She received the Craven SPORT services Sport Physiotherapy Award upon

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Lee Stevens provides physiotherapy and concussion management in Saskatoon at Craven SPORT services.

Lee Stevens

Lee is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan, where he completed a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology (2009) before moving on to the Masters

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We accept numerous insurance types and providers, including those within the Telus Health network, to simplify your access to our services. Contact us to learn more!

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Concussion Clinic Saskatoon FAQs

Yes, at Craven SPORT Services, we believe in the importance of concussion prevention as much as management and recovery. Our services include education and training programs to recognize concussion symptoms and implement preventive measures. We also offer baseline testing to assess an athlete’s pre-injury condition, which is crucial for effective post-injury care.
Our partnership with Complete Concussion Management (CCM) sets us apart, providing access to the latest research and evidence-based practices in concussion care. Our multidisciplinary team is trained in advanced concussion management techniques which ensures comprehensive care from diagnosis through to full recovery.
For individuals experiencing prolonged symptoms, known as post-concussion syndrome, we offer targeted rehabilitation programs. These are designed to address specific symptoms like balance issues, visual tracking, or memory and concentration problems. Our goal is to alleviate symptoms and restore quality of life.
Following a concussion, it’s crucial to avoid activities that risk further injury or strain. We recommend a period of physical and cognitive rest, gradually reintroducing activities under the guidance of our concussion management team. The specifics depend on your condition and recovery progress, which we monitor closely to advise on safe practices.


Mondays: 7:00am – 7:00pm
Tuesdays: 7:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesdays: 7:00am – 7:00pm
Thursdays: 7:00am – 7:00pm
Fridays: 7:00am – 6:00pm
Saturdays: 9:00 – 4:00pm (Training Centre only)